How to Increase and Strenthen Bone Mass

How to Increase and Strenthen Bone Mass

No Medication: Strengthen Bones & Joints Density Naturally

Bones play a crucial role in our body. If you hurt yourself then these bones will renew and repair on their own. Bone density changes by the time and it keeps on changing as you get older. But as you get older you start losing bone mass then it becomes difficult to renew it. So, the main question arises is how to increase bone mass and how you can improve your bone health. Today, in this blog post we will find out more about the ways to strengthen bone mass:

8 Ways to Strengthen Bone Density Without Medication

Strengthening your bone health is a key for preventing falls and injuries and maintaining mobility. Bone density is a key measure of how strong and healthy your bones are as testing your bone density will show if you are at the risk of conditions like osteopaenia or osteoporosis. While bone density lowers as you age, there are things you can do to look after your bones and keep them as strong as possible over time. Let’s dig deeper and find out more about the ways through which you can strengthen your bone:  

  1. Consume Calcium Rich Foods

    Calcium is present in every food and it is necessary to consume calcium everyday to strengthen your bones. Dairy products like seafood, green vegetables are excellent sources of calcium. Moreover, these calcium rich foods for bones are essential to consume through which you can increase your bone mass.

  2. Attain Sufficient Vitamin D & Vitamin K2

    Vitamin D and Vitamin K2 are crucial for your bone health. As vitamin D helps in preventing calcium loss and aids the binding of minerals in your body. Consuming these vitamins will help in protecting your bones and improve its density too.

  3. Perform Weight Training 

    Performing heavy workout and weight training will help in improving bone density, maintains bone strength. It also helps in reducing inflammation through which it will strengthen your bones. These exercises cause muscles to release magnesium, calcium in your body.

  4. Maintain Weight

    Maintaining weight is as crucial as maintaining the body. If you maintain a healthy lifestyle but are overweight then it is necessary to reduce the weight as overweight people are prone to fractures and various health risks. Moreover, if you are underweight then you are prone to losing bone density.

  5. Consume Omega 3

    Omega 3 is considered to have anti-inflammatory effects. Moreover,  they’ve also been shown with various health benefits . In addition to including omega 3 fats in your diet will help in maintaining bone density neither too high nor too low.

Amazing Home Remedies to Increase Low Bone Density

Maintaining healthy and strong bones are crucial. However, it is estimated that you reach peak bone mass at the age of 30. This also means that you either slow down or prevent osteoporosis. Let’s look at some of the foods which you can consume to reduce the risk of bone health diseases:

  1. Salty Foods

    Eating foods that are high in sodium and salt will cause your body to lose calcium in your body. Moreover, there are some bone strengthening foods which you should include in your diet and try to limit the amount of processed foods, canned foods and salt added to your food.

  2. Beans

    Beans contain magnesium, calcium and other nutrients. They are also high in substances known as phytates. Interfering of Phytates with your body’s ability to absorb the calcium which is contained in beans. By soaking beans in water, you can reduce the phytate level.

  3. Spinach

    When your body doesn’t absorb calcium well from foods which are high in oxalates like spinach. Spinach also contains other healthy nutrients which improves your overall health and provides essential vitamins and minerals. 

  4. Wheat Bran

    Just like beans, wheat brans include high levels of phytates that can prevent your body from absorbing calcium. Moreover, it is the only food which appears to reduce the absorption of the calcium in other foods and consumed at the same time. 

  5. High Protein Foods

    Consuming high protein foods will help in aiding bone mass which many older adults do not get enough protein in their diets for which they need to consume multiple servings of meat and proteins.You can also make up for the loss by getting enough calcium for your body requirements.

How much calcium do our bodies require?

Our body needs calcium to function properly. Low calcium in the body increases the risk of several diseases. Teenagers and older people need the highest daily intake of calcium. It leads to peak bone mass in the early twenties. It is recommended that over 19+ aged women and men require 1000mg calcium per day whereas women and men over 50+ require 1200mg calcium per day to fulfill their fitness needs. However, you can also reduce the risk of osteoporosis by consuming the best diet for osteoporosis.

How can you rapidly increase bone density?

Strength training exercises help in maintaining the balance of bone density . Moreover, some people require to continue exercising regularly to maintain bone health for a long term.  However, you can also improve it by consuming a proper diet to increase bone density.

How to begin strength training programs?

Effective strength training programs will help in increasing bone strength. This training also includes a 30 minutes of strength training program on a daily basis. However, people prone to Osteoporosis will need to follow short intervals between the workouts and also they need to do weight training as per their body requirement. Moreover, people suffering from Oesteoprosis should follow a well balanced diet which has calcium in their food such as tofu, nuts, breads and many more.

Wrapping it up

Pursuing these activities in your daily routine will only increase your bone strength and reduce the risk related to bone disease. Moreover, you can enhance your bone strength by adding green veggies and fruits in your daily diet. With our daily workout, our bones will often start to feel tired but somehow you can also consume RipUp by The Naturnest which strengthens your bones and makes your bones stronger.