Fruits That Help with Constipation: Top Picks for a Healthy Digestive System

Fruits That Help with Constipation: Top Picks for a Healthy Digestive System

Dried Prunes & Best Fruits : For Constipation Relief & Get a Healthy Digestive System

Did you know around 33% of adults suffer from constipation?

We all have been passed down through this phase. Sometimes, what we consume has a significant impact on our digestive system. Foods such as green vegetables and brown rice contain fiber, which reduces the risk of getting constipated, whereas there are some fruits too, such as prunes, bananas, and apples, through which you can improve your digestive system. However, as many fruits are available, the one fruit, the banana, offers some health benefits, too. But the main question that arises is, do bananas cause constipation? Are bananas providing a solution to constipation? 

Let’s dig deeper and find out more about which fruits provide relief from constipation.

Do Bananas Cause Constipation? 

Bananas are one of the world's most famous fruits, which are high in fiber and improve overall well-being. It contains soluble and insoluble fiber that helps to relieve the abdominal discomfort. Green bananas contain dietary fiber, which will help to reduce constipation. But the main question that arises is that, with so many health benefits, do bananas really cause constipation?

Unripe bananas can cause constipation, whereas ripe bananas will provide relief from constipation. Bananas tend to reduce constipation, and they contain dietary fiber that makes your bowel movement smoother.

Top 7 Fruits That Relieve Constipation 

Fruits and Vegetables help in providing relief from constipation. Let’s look at some of the fruits which provide relief from constipation.

  1. Berries 

    Berries contain fiber, which supports good digestion. Berries contain almost 8 grams of fiber, which helps in relieving constipation. You can also consume it in smoothies, milkshakes, custard, and many more. Including berries in your regular diet will prevent the risk of constipation. Furthermore, you can also consume a well balanced diet with it that will reduce the risk of getting constipated.

  2. Apples

    As the doctor says, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” and it is true. Not only will these apples improve overall health, but also it will reduce the risk of getting constipated. The presence of pectin and insoluble fibers in apples will improve bowel function.

  3. Pears

    A medium pear has about 5.5 grams of fiber, which is nearly 20% of your daily fiber needs in one pear. Pears have soluble and insoluble fiber, both of which are vital for keeping your gut healthy and happy. Moreover, insoluble fiber is found in the skin of the fruit. It does not dissolve in water and keeps your bowels regular. Soluble fiber is also found in the flesh of the pear. Due to the presence of fructose content in pears, this makes stools soft and easy to pass.

  4. Dragon Fruit

    Dragon fruit comes in two common varieties, which are yellow-skinned and red-skinned. Both types have white flesh with black seeds, but the red ones also have dark red meat. However, this fruit is nutritious as it contains almost 5g of fiber, which is about 18% of your daily needs. When this fruit is added to smoothies, it boosts your fiber intake.

  5. Kiwi

    Kiwi is one of the fruits that round up the list of high-fiber fruits. This fruit contains 2g of fiber, which you can get past the fuzziness. Moreover, it provides relief from abdominal discomfort and prevents constipation.

  6. Citrus Foods

    Citrus foods such as grapefruit and oranges will also provide relief from constipation. These fruits contain 4g of fiber, which is almost 14% of our daily requirement. It also eases abdominal discomfort. You can also eat them or even add them to the salads.

  7. Prunes

    Prunes contain vitamin K, potassium, and fiber, which are also known for their laxative effect and give relief from abdominal discomfort and speed up bowel movement, which makes it easier to go.

Fruit Juices to Relieve Constipation 

It's good to consume fruits on a regular basis but to relieve constipation rapidly; you can also go for fruit juice. The presence of sorbitol in fruit juice draws water into the intestine, which relieves abdominal pain and improves your digestive system. Apple, prune, and pear have higher amounts of sorbitol than the other juices. If you want to consume fruit juice, then consider drinking 100% natural fruit juice without added sugar. 

Dried Fruits to Relieve Constipation 

Dried fruits are highly nutritious and are another strategy to ease and prevent constipation. Consuming dried fruit daily will act as a potent cure for constipation since the fiber adds weight and bulk to stool, which improves consistency and bowel movements. Moreover, dried fruits are removed, which leaves them high in calories.

Wrapping It Up 

Consuming fiber-rich fruits is an effective home remedy to ease constipation and prevent it. Juices that are 100% natural and have no added sugar should be consumed daily, as they will rapidly improve bowel movement. You can also consume a well balanced diet and can also consume Gut health supplement that will provide an ease in constipation and abdominal pain.   However, it is essential to include these fruits in your daily diet to prevent digestive health issues.